
Premium paper bags represent the highest quality of carry option, first choice for luxury stores and events. These bags are crafted with high quality paper, and can be custimozed for 4 color printing with foil (gold & silver) stamping as well. Along with rope handle it is easy to carry products. The premium bags help you to promote your brand with luxury packaging that traditionals brands can't.

Premium Paper Bags

About Details
Paper High Grade Paperboard
GSM 120-300 GSM
MOQ 5,000pc
Handle Rope, Ribbon and Threads
Lamination Matte / Gloss Finish
Print 4Color - CMYK & Foil Stamp
Print Area All Sides (100% customization)
Delivery time 15-21 Working Days
Uses Events, Luxury Stores, etc
Sizes Custom based
*download the brochure for more details